Curator & Owner

Sheena Bradley

Sheena Bradley was born in Treaty 6 territory and now, with her husband and two kids, calls nistawâyâw (Fort McMurray) in Treaty 8 home. Sitting close to the Athabasca River, Sheena feels a strong sense of ancestral roots, and feels strengthened by the history in the waters, near where her grandmother was born on the banks of Lake Athabasca. Sheena’s great-grandmother Kitty Boucher and great-grandfather Joe Monkman created their first home in Goldfields, Sask,, and paddled on Lake Athabasca where they planted strong roots. Her paternal ancestors settled near the Wandering River area, where Sheena also harvests medicines from today.

A love for the land and culture helped shape Omisimâw Wellness. Since first studying herbalism with the Herbal Academy of New England in 2016, Sheena’s love of traditional medicines has deepened. She continues her studies now with Pacific Rim College, and Emery Herbals, as well as receiving traditional knowledge shared by Elders and listening to plant spirit and Creator on the land. Incorporating traditional ways of knowing is an important way for Sheena to honour her ancestors. Sheena is also a Certified Aromatherapy Advisor and incorporates aromatherapy in her practice as a way to heal emotional and spiritual imbalances.

In addition to herbalism and birthwork, Sheena is a member of several committees in Wood Buffalo and is an active member of McMurray Métis Local 1935. She has created several medicinal gardens throughout nistawâyâw, and teaches about reciprocity and respect for harvesting medicinal plants,and about healing trauma through plant connection. In the spirit of honouring reciprocity and accessibility, Sheena shares products and medicines to local Elders and families whose traditional lands she harvests on.

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